Willalexmac's Network
Let's get together

Remember in the early days of the world wide web when users established networks with one another for exchanging information and keeping informed on all things internet? I cite such examples as the 1995 movie "The Net", with Sandra Bullock, and the Comic Book Guy in the second episode of the Simpsons' Season 7,"Radioactive Man".

Well the key to making that work is starting by building a local network at first. With people nearby who you can meet with face to face, as well as online.

Next, you contact friends and associates in nearby cities, and encourage them to do the same within their area. Then through them, you all combine your contacts. And you all continue to establish further out contacts in the same way.

Then, before we know it, we have a covert private network of many. Becoming our own online source for relaying info with one another.

I am in the Boston area. and am reaching out to people in the same area to put this in motion. 

If you are at this page it is because I directed you here through a QR code. If you are in the Boston area and interested in discussing this, Either call the number at the top and bottom of this page or drop me an email at the link.